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Contact Details

Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Shri Rajnath Singh Raksha Mantri (Minister of Defence) 23012286, 23019030 23015403 104, South Block, New delhi rmo[at]mod[dot]nic[dot]in

Shri Amit Kishore, IAS (UP:2011)

Private Secretary to Raksha Mantri (RM) 23012286, 23019030 23018285

105, South Block, New Delhi


Shri Krishnendra Pratap Singh

OSD to Raksha Mantri (RM) 23012286, 23019030


102-G, South Block,New Delhi

Shri Prabhat Kumar Tripathi

OSD to Raksha Mantri (RM) 23012286, 23019030


102-G, South Block,New Delhi

Shri Amarendra Tiwari

Additional PS to RM 23012286, 23019030

23015403 (Fax)

107, South Block,New Delhi

Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address

Shri Sanjay Seth

Raksha Rajya Mantri (Minister of State for Defence) 23792128, 23794621


114, South Block, New Delhi



PS to Raksha Rajya Mantri (RRM) 23792128, 23794621 23016255

113-A, South Block

Shri Ujjwal Kumar OSD to Raksha Rajya Mantri (RRM) 23792128, 23794621 23016255 111-C, South Block, New Delhi mos-defence[at]gov[dot]in
Shri Jitendra Nath Mahato Additional PS to Raksha Rajya Mantri (RRM) 23792128, 23794621 23016255 111-C, South Block New Delhi mos-defence[at]gov[dot]in


APS to Raksha Rajya Mantri (RRM) 23792128, 23794621 23016255

112-B, South Block New Delhi

Shri Kumar Vivekanand 1st PA to Raksha Rajya Mantri (RRM) 23792128, 23794621 23016255 111-C, South Block, New Delhi mos-defence[at]gov[dot]in
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address

Shri Sanjeev Kumar, IAS

Secretary (DP) 23012527


136, South Block, New Delhi

Shri Shashi Ballabh Naithani Principal Staff Officer to Secretary (DP) 23012527, 23014377 23012300 135-B, South Block, New Delhi sdpns[at]nic[dot]in

Smt. Sangeetha Kannan

Principal Private Secretary (PPS) to Secretary (DP) 23012527, 23014377


135-B, South Block, New Delhi sdpns[at]nic[dot]in
Ms. Indrajeet Kaur Private Secretary (PS) to Secretary (DP) 23012527, 23014377 23012300 135-B, South Block, New Delhi sdpns[at]nic[dot]in
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Vacant Additional Secretary (DP) 23012470 23013133 184-A, South Block, New Delhi asdp[dot]ddpmod[at]nic[dot]in
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Shri Singh Veer Pratap Principal Adviser (Cost) 23015734 23012547 23-D South Block, New Delhi office-advcost[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Ms. Annu Das PPS to Principal Adviser (Cost) 23015734 23012547 17, South Block, New Delhi office-advcost[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address

Shri Rajeev Prakash

JS (Naval System) & CVO 23011219


Room No. 134-B, South Block, New Delhi-110011

Shri Manmohan Meena PPS to JS (Naval System) 23011219 23018538 132-C, South Block, New Delhi jsns[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in


JS (Aerospace Wing & DOMW) 23014932


Room No. 134-B, South Block, New Delhi


Ms. Surjeet Nair

PPS to JS (Aerospace Wing & DOMW) 23014932


Room No. 131 C, South Block, New Delhi

Shri Shalabh Tyagi JS (Personnel & Coordination) 23011553 23019961 135-A, South Block, New Delhi jscoord-ddp[at]nic[dot]in
Shri Anand Prakash PPS to JS (Personnel & Coordination) 23011553 23019961 183-G, South Block, New Delhi anand[dot]prakash[dot]fpi[at]nic[dot]in

Shri Amit Satija, IAS

JS (DEFENCE INDUSTRIES PROMOTION) 23015505 23015744 184-B, South Block, New Delhi jsx[at]nic[dot]in
Smt Kamla Bisht PPS to JS (DEFENCE INDUSTRIES PROMOTION) 23015505 183-G, South Block, New Delhi jsx[at]nic[dot]in
Dr. Garima Bhagat JS (Land System) 23015897 23015896

96, South Block, New Delhi

Shri Vijay Kumar Rana PPS to JS (Land System) 23015896


94, South Block, New Delhi jsls[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Ms. Rolley M Varma DDG (Indigenisation) 23079066 801, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, Defence Office Complex, K.G. Marg, New Delhi-110001 indig-ddp[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Ms. Soni B Thomas PPS to DDG 23079066 8th Floor, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, Defence Office Complex, K.G. Marg, New Delhi-110001 indig-ddp[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Sushil K Satpute DDG (Indigenisation) 23075608 804, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, Defence Office Complex, K.G. Marg, New Delhi-110001 indig-ddp[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Chandandeep Singh DDG (AI & P) 23076619 23073032 402, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, Defence Office Complex, KG Marg, New Delhi - 110001 ddg[dot]proj[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Ms. Sukhgeet Kaur Adviser (Energy) 23793845 418, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan sukhgeet[dot]kaur72[at]gov[dot]in

Shri K.K. Yadav

Director, DIC 23019902

305, D-I Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi

Shri Kuldeep Parwal Director (P & C) 23381420


401, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, KG Marg, New Delhi

Captain Nagesh Jain Director, DEO 43663320


India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi

Vacant OSD (DEO) 43663320 43663320 Willow First Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi ceo[dot]defex-mod[at]gov[dot]in

Shri Hitesh

Director/DICC 23074771

702, Block-C, Defence Office Complex K.G. Marg, New Delhi



PO (MS) 23076619


402, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, KG Marg, New Delhi


Shri Bholanath Sonkar

Director (Indigenisation) 23074772 803, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, Defence Office Complex, K.G. Marg, New Delhi-110001 indig-ddp[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Vivek Virmani PO (G) 23212033 8th floor, Konnectus Tower, DMRC Building, ND pogpnc-ddp[at]nic[dot]in
Lt Col Abhiseik Singh DPO (G) 23076272 518, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, Defence Office Complex KG Marg, New Delhi dpog-ddp[at]gov[dot]in
Mrs. Urmila Rawat Deputy Secretary (DIP) 23016768 Room No. 208-D, South Block, New Delhi dsdip[dot]ddp[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in

Ms. Karamjeet Kaur

Deputy Secretary (DIP-II & Coord) 23013705, 23792959

11-A, South Block, New Delhi

Shri Noman Hafiz CPO (DIP) 23012483 23019368 335 B Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi cpo-dip[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Gulshan Kumar Under Secretary D (EPC) 23018976 9-A, South Block, New Delhi usepc[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri R.S. Meena US (NS-I/MIDHANI) 23015737 23015737 205 B Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi usns2[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Ajay Dahiya Deputy Director 23074774 8th Floor, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, Defence Office Complex, K.G. Marg, New Delhi-110001 indig-ddp[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Ms. Ridhima Vashist Director (AS-I) 23012779 23011587 diraero[dot]ddp-mod[at]gov[dot]in
Shri Rakesh Kumar DS (AS-III) 23012779 23011587 diraero[dot]ddp-mod[at]gov[dot]in

Shri Abhay Kumar Sharan

DS (AS-II) 23014919

206, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi


Ms. Charanjeet Kaur

PS to DS (AS-II) 23014919 206, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi

Shri Shashi Gambhir

Under Secretary D (HAL-I) 23012084


209 B-Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi

Shri Saroj Kumar Choudhary

Under Secretary D (HAL-II) 23793762

150, B Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi


Shri Piyush Kumar

Under Secretary D (HAL-III) 23017258


209-B, B Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi

Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address

Shri K V Ajith

Director (NS) 23018967


332, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi dir-ns[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in

Shri Tilak Raj

Deputy Secretary (Vigilance) 23017836 343, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi dirvig[dot]ddp-mod[at]nic[dot]in
Ms. Pinki Gupta US (NS) 23016273 23016273 245, B-Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi usns2[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri R.S. Meena Under Secretary (NS-I) 23016273 23016273

206A B Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi

Shri Parveen Under Secretary D (Vig/DDP) 23012581 23012581 343 B Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi parveen[dot]31[at]gov[dot]in

Cdr Gaurav Arora

DPO (NSM) 23072243 506 C Block, KG Marg, New Delhi dponsm-mod[at]nic[dot]in
Cdr Praveen DPO (NSG) 23079103 C Block, R.No. 517, KG Marg, New Delhi. dpons-gen-mod[at]nic[dot]in
Shri Prabhakar OSD (ICE-I) 23220440 DMRC building, New Delhi Railway Station, New Delhi osd-ice1[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Shri Sanjay Mehrishi Deputy Director General (NDCD) 23074371 802, Block-C, K.G. Marg, Defence Complex, New Delhi sanjaymehrishi[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in

Shri Manoj Kumar

DDG/OSD (LS) 23014744 23015723 250, 'B' Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi osdprod[dot]ddp[at]nic[dot]in
Ms. Mudita Mishra DDG (P-I/DDP) 23074773 23074773

703, 7th Floor,ā€˜Cā€™ Block, Defence Office Complex, K.G. Marg, New Delhi-110001

Shri Umesh Chandra Srivastava Director (P-II) 23012838 23012838 Room No. 338, B ā€“ Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi uc[dot]srivastava08[at]nic[dot]in
Shri Atish Kamal Srivastava Deputy Secretary (Q-II/DDP) 23011687 23011687 246 B Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi ds-q2[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Vacant Under Secretary D (Prod-I) 23014730 252, B- Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi us-prod1[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri V. Giridharan Under Secretary D (Prod-II) 23010799 203, B- Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi us-prod2[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Palepu Ramachandra Rao Under Secretary D (Prod-III) 23013857 23013857 253, B- Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi us-prod3[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Ratan Lal Under Secretary D (Estt./Gazetted) 23018574 23018574 339, B ā€“ Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi ratan[dot]lal35[at]gov[dot]in
Shri Tarun Sood Under Secretary D (BEML) 23010297 9-A, South Block, New Delhi
Shri B.L. Meena Under Secretary D (Estt./Non-Gazetted) 23017248


340, B- Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi babulal[dot]meena[at]nic[dot]in
Shri Kamal Jeet Singh Under Secretary (Estt/IOFS) 23013206 23013206 338, B- Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi

Smt. Ritu Sharma

Under Secretary (QA) 23013033 2301 3033 245, B- Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Shri Atul Basumatary DDG (Coord) 23010663 235-B, South Block, New Delhi atul[dot]basumatary[at]nic[dot]in
Shri Ram Prakash Kushwaha Director (ES) 23014536 333-A, B wing, Sena Bhawan, ND rpkushwaha[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in

Ms. Karamjeet Kaur

Deputy Secretary (DIP-II & Coord) 23013705, 23792959 11-A, South Block, ND dir-coord[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Bipin Kumar Hembrom Deputy Secretary (Admn/DDP) 23019465 253-A, B- Wing, Sena Bhawan, ND bipin[dot]hembrom[at]nic[dot]in
Shri Narendra Singh CPO (BEL) 23017479 339, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan, ND cpo-r[at]ddp[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Arun Bhatia Under Secretary D (Gen/DDP) 23010283 340-A, B-Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi us-gen[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Lamtinlien Gangte US (Coord-I/DDP) 23012659 252, B-Wing Sena Bhawan, New Delhi lamtinlien[dot]gangte[at]gov[dot]in
Shri Narendra Singh CPO (BDL) & (MS.III) 23017479 339, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan, ND cpo-r[at]ddp[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri R.P. Meena Deputy Director (Coord/DDP) 23012065 18-B, South Block, New Delhi rpmeena[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Shri Lokesh Sharma OSD (DOMW) 23792069 23792069 225, South Block, New Delhi lokesh[dot]sharma[at]nic[dot]in
Cdr Bedabrata Burman OSD (DOMW) 23794275 23792069 225, South Block, New Delhi bedabrata[dot]burman[at]navy[dot]gov[dot]in
Gp Capt Ahmad Fareed OSD (DOMW) 23792069 23792069 225, South Block, New Delhi alfox[dot]ddp[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Shri Kuldeep Parwal Director (P & C) 23381420 23073032 401, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, K.G. Marg, N. Delhi dirpnc-ddp[at]nic[dot]in
Vacant PPS to Director (P&C) 23381420 23073032 419, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, KG Marg, New Delhi
Shri Ajay Kumar Singh JD (A&C) 23072314 501, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, KG Marg, New Delhi ddanc[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Radha Raman Kumar DD (A&C) 23381518 502, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, KG Marg, New Delhi
Vacant PO (MS) 23076619 23076619 402, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, K.G. Marg, N. Delhi poms-ddp-mod[at]nic[dot]in
Gp Capt Manish Aggrwal PO (AS) 23076341 23073032 405, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, KG Marg, New Delhi poaerosys-mod[at]nic[dot]in
Col Rajesh Thomas PO (LS) 23072105 23793032 404, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, KG Marg, New Delhi pols[dot]ddp-mod[at]nic[dot]in
Vacant DPO (ES) 23074941 23793032 516, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, KG Marg, New Delhi poes-ddp-mod[at]nic[dot]in
Capt Gaurav Arora DPO (NS-M) 23072243 23072243 506, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, KG Marg, New Delhi dponsm-mod[at]nic[dot]in
Cdr Praveen Kumar DPO (NSG) 23079103 23793032 517, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, KG Marg, New Delhi dpons-gen-mod[at]nic[dot]in
Vacant DPO (ASV) 23075103 23073032 417, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, K.G. Marg, N. Delhi dpoasv[dot]ddp-mod[at]gov[dot]in
Lt Col Harish Kr. Sharma DPO (A&E) 23074936 23073032 415, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, K.G. Marg, N. Delhi dpo-ane[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Lt Col Abhiseik Negi DPO (G) 23076272 23073032 517, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, KG Marg, New Delhi dpog-ddp[at]gov[dot]in
Shri Ajay Dubey JD (MS) 23075063 23073032 416, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, KG Marg, New Delhi jdms-ddp-mod[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Amit Kumar DD (MS) 23075063 23073032 416, ā€˜Cā€™ Block, KG Marg, New Delhi ddms-pnc-ddp[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Vivek Virmani PO (G) 23212033 8th Floor, Konnectus Tower, DMRC Building, New Delhi pogpnc-ddp[at]nic[dot]in
Shri Shunkoo Soyam DPO (ICE-I) 23220812 23220812 8th Floor, Konnectus Tower, DMRC Building, New Delhi dpoice1-mod[at]gov[dot]in
Lt Col Deepak Kr Sharma DPO (ICE-II) 23220811 8th Floor, Konnectus Tower, DMRC Building, New Delhi dpoice2-mod[at]nic[dot]in
Lt Col Prashasti Bhati TSO (G) 23075620 23073032 505, C-Block, KG Marg, New Delhi tsog-ddp[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Ms. Sukhgeet Kaur DDG (Cost) 23793845 418, B-Wing, Sena Bhawan sukhgeet[dot]kaur72[at]gov[dot]in
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Shri Sanjay Mehrishi Deputy Director General (NDCD) 23077280 Room No. 603,6th Floor, C-Block, Defence Office Complex,K G Marg, New Delhi-110001 ndcd-ddp[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Birendra Pratap Director (NDCD) 23073761 23071768 Room NO 704,7th Floor,C-Block, Defence Office Complex,K G Marg, New Delhi-110001 birendra[dot]pratap[at]nic[dot]in
Shri Anil Kumar Rai Director (NDCD) 23074789 23071768 Room No. 607, C-Wing, Defence Office Complex,K G Marg, New Delhi-110001 akrai[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Nikhil Tiwari Joint Director (NDCD) 23073602 23071768 Room No. 707,7th Floor, C-Block, Defence Office Complex,K G Marg, New Delhi-110001 ndcd-ddp[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Ms Jyoti Sharma Deputy Director (NDCD) 23077806 23071768 Room No. 701,7th Floor, C-Block, Defence Office Complex,K G Marg, New Delhi-110001 jyotisharma[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Shri Ashish Kumar DDG 23073371 602, C-Block, Defence Offices Complex, KG Marg, New Delhi ddg-g[dot]doo[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Ms. Nivedita DDG 23077486 708, C-Block, Defence Offices Complex, KG Marg, New Delhi nivedita[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Ms. Aisha Khan Joint Director 23073501 807, C-Block, Defence Offices Complex, KG Marg, New Delhi aishakhan[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Sunil Kumar Behera Assistant Director 23071889 701, C-Block, Defence Offices Complex, KG Marg, New Delhi skbehera[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Management & Policy Division, DoO (C&S)
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Shri Akhilesh Kumar Mishra Deputy Director General 23073504

Room No. 604, 6th floor, 'C' Block, Defence Office Complex, KG Marg, New Delhi-110001

Shri Tushar Kodap Deputy Director 23074710

Room No. 701, 7th Floor, 'C' Block, Defence Office Complex, K G Marg, New Delhi-110001

Shri Tarun Kumar Deputy Director 23074791 Room no. 701, 7 th floor, ā€˜Cā€™ Block Defence office Complex, K.G. Marg, New Delhi- 110001 tarunkumar1[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Defence Production IT Division (DPIT)
Name Designation Landline Number Fax Room No. Email Address
Shri Amiya Kumar Das CEO (DPIT) 20836145 20836145 602-B,Konnectus Tower-II,DMRC Building, Bhavbhuti Marg, New Delhi ceo-dpit[at]gov[dot]in
Smt. Vatsla Gupta Chief Manager (Fin.) 20836145 20836145 602-B,Konnectus Tower-II,DMRC Building, Bhavbhuti Marg, New Delhi vatsla[dot]gupta[at]hal-india[dot]co[dot]in
Shri Gaurav Kumar Joshi Joint Director 20836145 20836145 602-B,Konnectus Tower-II,DMRC Building, Bhavbhuti Marg, New Delhi gauravkumarjoshi[at]ord[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Bhupinder Garg Chief Manager (IT) 20836145 20836145 602-B,Konnectus Tower-II,DMRC Building, Bhavbhuti Marg, New Delhi bhupinder[dot]garg[at]hal-india[dot]co[dot]in
Shri Amit Kumar Gupta Sr. Manager (IMM) 20836145 20836145 602-B,Konnectus Tower-II,DMRC Building, Bhavbhuti Marg, New Delhi amit[dot]gupta[at]hal-india[dot]co[dot]in
Shri Hriday Ashish Singh Manager 20836145 20836145 602-B,Konnectus Tower-II,DMRC Building, Bhavbhuti Marg, New Delhi hasingh[dot]47[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in
Shri Gurpreet Singh Dy. Manager (IT) 20836145 20836145 602-B,Konnectus Tower-II,DMRC Building, Bhavbhuti Marg, New Delhi gurpreetsingh[dot]ddp[at]ddpmod[dot]gov[dot]in