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The Department of Defence Production envisions enhanced self reliance in Defence Production and Dual-Use Technologies, leveraging ‘Make in India’ and maximizing the untapped employment and economic potential of the sector.
The Department of Defence Production (DDP) is set up with the twin objectives of developing a robust production infrastructure and achieving substantive self reliance in design, development and production of Defence Equipment, Weapons Systems and Platforms. Over the years, the Department has established wide ranging production facilities for various defence equipment through the Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs) and from the year 2001 onwards through licensed private sector companies. This has resulted in development of diverse range of products that include arms and ammunitions, tanks, armoured vehicles, heavy vehicles, fighter aircraft and helicopters, warships, submarines, missiles, ammunition, electronic equipment, earth moving equipment, special alloys and special purpose steels. Department also recognizes that true self-reliance is only possible when the technology is also with the country. Therefore, since November 1962, the Department has been encouraging promotion of innovation and Intellectual Property creation in the defence industry ecosystem of the country.
Broad Objectives of DDP:
Strengthening Defence R&D Capabilities.
Strengthening Industry through Policy Reforms & Collaborations.
Facilitating global export-promoting alliances.
Department of Defence Production administers the 16 Defence Public Sector undertakings including the 7 New DPSUs formed out of 41 erstwhile Ordnance Factories. In addition, following functions are performed by DDP:
DOMW under the Department of Defence Production is responsible for formulation of Defence Offsets Guidelines and all matters relating to post contract management. The functions of DOMW include:
Other responsibilities assigned under the Offset guidelines or entrusted by the Government. DOMW works in close collaboration with Defence Acquisition Wing for smooth implementation of the Offset guidelines.